Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life

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Time taken from a busy work and family schedule to achieve personal growth, will never be wasted. Some people believe that the time spent on the morning to watch the children playing in a nearby park or for a walk, lost in vain. However, with longer life's simple pleasures, and thus bringing balance to your day, you make the rest of the time more productive and efficient.
It is impossible to do good deeds if you feel unwell. When you are calm, relaxed and full of enthusiasm, you have higher productivity, you are more dynamic and think creatively. This has been proved time and yet we are constantly entangled
in a web of seemingly urgent cases and can not see the forest for the trees. Buy a diary, which can be a great tool for the orderly appointments and records of your business.
The principles of time management are known and used successful people throughout history, in all organizations and in all areas
activities. This is the fundamental laws of life management. They are undeniable and unchangeable. These laws allow you to achieve great success.
Do not let the little things distract you from important things. Always ask yourself: "Does
I have the time and energy is best? "," How can I most reasonable and productive use of my time right now? "" nearing what I'm doing now, my main objective? "Do the important things first, and Not Do altogether.
Being all things to all people - this is crazy, unrealistic and impossible goal. Learn to say "no" - no self-restraint. It is a solid expression of the notion that you need to drive your business to success and most concise way. Not to mention the fact that discipline helps your employees to rise to the level of personal responsibility for their own success.
Planning activities - another secret of successful people!
1. The planning map is a day to win at least 1 hour of productive time. Every minute spent on the activity planning saves 10 minutes of execution, that is, provides a huge return on investment of mental effort, emotional and physical energy.
To schedule a job the next day, it takes 10-12 minutes. This will save you a small investment of 100-120 minutes, which provides an increase in productive time to two hours a day, that is 25% increases your daily performance since the day when you start to plan working day in advance. In a month it turns 2000-2400 minutes, which is 4-5 full working days !!!
2. The planning sets priorities. The priority list helps you manage time so as to achieve their goals.
3. The process of planning programs our minds. When you clearly formulate their wishes, they come true. The planning process helps us to understand for ourselves what we want to strive for. This leads to the fact that the universe is faster than fulfills our desires.
Each night make a list of all the things that you need to do the next day, in the order in which they will do. Some items on the list will necessarily be repeated many times, day
a day, until finally disappear from it. In the morning, start the deal with the case number 1 and deal with them as long as you finish. Did not finish it, do not proceed to the case � 2. In doing so the whole list, it does not proceed to the next case, not complying with the previous one. Cancel deal allowed only in one case: if you finish the job prevented circumstances beyond your control.
Planning Methods
For a very simple plan you just have a piece of paper and a pen. Write goals and plans for the next day. And in the course of performing cross out made. The method is very simple and quite effective. It lets you see and plan for your life by only 1 day in advance, which is already a big plus, because 80% of people do not even do that.
For more detailed planning, you will need:
1. Diary.
2. Diary.
3. Planning Calendar.
The diary can be useful to record information and wise thoughts. Ideas can be expressed by almost everyone. Great idea may make the sign of the very different times, so be prepared
and do not let good thoughts eluded you. Great idea can change your life. Always have a blog with you, no matter where you are.
Diary is designed to record your meetings and plans for every day. Your diary can also be used as a place to lock the highlights of the day or week. There is enough space to record an important idea and make other notes. Think of it as a central source from which it is necessary to receive and process all the information for the day.
Do not start the next day until the end of his plan. This is an invaluable fragment of the strategy of your life in the way of finding happiness and wealth.
Unless you are planning a day in the evening, then consider that 2:00 time in the best case, you lose immediately. In the worst case, lost the whole day, and completely. Man does not see the priorities and doing unimportant things. At the end of the day it is that the time spent in vain.
1. Make your life orderly, draw up a detailed list of everything you have to do tomorrow.
2. Carefully analyze your list and set clear priorities for each item before you act.
3. Teach yourself to deal with only the most important things. Follow them quickly and well. If you develop the habit to plan and prioritize, productivity will increase significantly, which positively impact on your career.
Calendar scheduling is used for planning purposes and plan for a longer period. When you have mastered the art of planning the day, you are ready to move on to planning the week. Rule: do not start until next week until you finish its planning.
Next, grasp the plan of the month. Ask yourself: "What am I supposed to do this month?" The rule is the same: do not start until next month until the end of his plan.
Then you learn to coordinate your goals for the day, week and month with your goals at three months, six months and one year. I absolutely agree with you, the planning process causes stress and takes a little time, but I assure you that when planning your life, you will achieve much more. All your actions will be far more effective and meaningful. They acquire an extraordinary clarity. You will need to demonstrate a high discipline. But if you follow it, you can be called a master of his time.
The act of planning helps clear and precise thinking about you their
Action. The more you think about something and plan their actions, the faster and more efficiently reach their goal.
Regular time planning to spend more time will allow the activities of the greatest value. This will increase the efficiency of your work, whatever you're doing. The advantage of planning calendar is that you can plan a complete vision of his life, creating and recording in the calendar list of your goals for the 5, 10, 20 years ahead.
Your success depends on the quality of your use of time. Time Management - is the management of life, so think about your time with great care.
Defining goals
The most deliberate person, do not lose sight of his goal, yet agile one who wanders without a goal.
G. Lessing
The goal - it's more than a dream. This dream in conjunction with the action. The goal - it's more than just "wanted to be." The goal is always clear and concrete:
"I aspire to ...". Nothing happens until you set a goal. Well-planned and properly objectives govern our lives. We define the objectives and work, carrying them day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.
Correctly set goal is the basis for building the future, just as in the construction of the house foundation must be strong and well-designed to house not collapsed.
The need goals can not be overstated. Objectives are needed to man as air. It is not important where you are or where you are now, significantly, where you want to go. You can not rely on chance. If you are planning the future is not for you, it will make someone else.
The goal deeply rooted in the mind, has the ability to keep a person on track to achieve it. When the target is embedded in the subconscious mind, you will automatically start to function properly.
Objectives programmed our minds. They concentrate it on a certain result,
and the circumstances themselves are beginning to develop favorably for you. You begin to unconsciously do the right thing and make the right decisions. To start you do nuzhaya information.
The subconscious mind works like a filter, allowing consciousness to perceive only the necessary information. Set goals that you believe in, and then the subconscious mind will be able to quickly throw you right idea for their implementation.
When you know exactly where you are going, much easier to find your way. If you do not know what you want out of life, you can not achieve anything.
If you do not have life to ask anything and you do not get. Our request draws the proper reality.
In order to set effective goals, firstly, you must clearly and realize why you need it. Secondly, you need to understand what should be the goal to achieve maximum efficiency.
Arm yourself with a piece of paper and a pen.
Only 3% of the population of our planet has a purpose, of which only 1% of people carried them on paper. And this relatively small part of mankind achieves significantly better results in a much shorter period of time than the remaining 97%. You need to choose which of these groups include themselves.
If you do something that makes a majority, then the result will be the same. You may want to join the prosperous minority.
Imagine that 10 years have passed. Describe in detail how you live, how to spend your time than doing. The more detailed your description, the easier it will be on the stage of setting goals.
There is one very important condition: write a lot and in detail:
1. Work / business.
1 What are you doing?
2 What income do you have?
3 What is your level of responsibility?
4 How many people in your submission?
5 What is the prestige you have in your employment
6 How much time a day do you work?
7 How many of your sources of income?
8 What are the sources?
2. Family.
1 What is the lifestyle you provide for your family?
2 What are your family relationships?
3 In which country do you live?
4 What kind of house and apartment you live?
5 How do you relax?
6 Where do you relax?
7 How much time do you spend your family?
8 What are your cars?
3. Social sphere.
1 What kind of friends do you have?
2 Which social groups do you belong to?
3 What are the benefits you bring to society?
4 How do you positively influence this world?
Now because you typed text, you can easily identify your goals: 1. Work / business.
2. Family.
3. The social environment.
4. Free time.
Select the most important purpose. For example, you have a list of 20 goals. Imagine what you can achieve only one goal in this list. What purpose do you choose? Circle the goal circle. Next, choose the next target on the same principle. Identify the 3 most important goals. Focus on their performance.
Think about the order as often as possible, imagine yourself who reached the planned height. Live in them. Make yourself comfortable. Do this at least 2 times a day.
1. Define your goals. Be sure to write down their dreams on paper. This is a very important point. Fixing the dream on paper helps concretize it, make it more practical and real. You will not experience fear. People are most afraid of the unknown. Therefore, as long as you think you are dreaming of a desired, it may seem too large and abstract. In addition, the dreams that you have recorded on paper, will be reminded of your daily goals.
2. Divide the dreams of intermediate achievable goals. First, your dream you will find a very large and long-term. You have no idea how to proceed with its implementation. Intermediate objectives concretize it. Be sure to set the final date of implementation of each goal. This will help you decide on a plan of action.
Step by step the dream will make your presentation more realistic about its size. It will no longer seem as big as it was in the beginning. All great achievements are made up of many small. Reason easier to perceive many smaller targets than one big one. You will feel great relief by performing this step.
3. Develop a plan of action. Your dream has already acquired real dimensions. Yet you still do not believe in its realization, because it does not know how to carry it out. This point is important, because its accuracy depends on the fulfillment of your dreams. Think of yourself at the expense of the action plan. If your dream is quite large, your mind can not come at the beginning is no good ideas. But do not give up. Your consciousness is limited, it does not know all the answers. Just here to help and will subconscious.

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