Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life

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Thus filling all three columns. Then review your list. Reading every point, imagine that you have this quality, talent, or have this achievement. Finally, create a complete picture of yourself with these qualities, talents and achievements, and note how nice it is to realize.
Concluding the exercise, imagine if you are awarded a significant reward, and mentally approving his imaginary twin pat on the back. You really are great. You have achieved a lot, tending to his goal, and
You deserve praise for it.
Because you are who you think yourself mentally, then, if you think about yourself positively, you feel good. Moreover, if you think that you possess certain qualities and skills that they have and then you will enjoy. Even if now these qualities are not in your nature, you develop them and your self-esteem will grow rapidly. Confirm what you want to achieve, and believe in the idea, which you have approved. This technique will help to achieve the desired.
This technique is effective because the process is an imaginary growth leads to changes in your outlook on themselves. As a consequence, and others perceive you and treat you as different. Thus, you can put this technique into his service.
Remember that the path to certainty can be short and easy. In this way you will break first, and only then build. Breaking habits have old inefficient behavior. This will trigger an alarm, and it is justified. In the end, to live with a sense of uncertainty, though unpleasant, but familiar, and what awaits us in the "confident" the future is still unknown. And so the first time you will have an irresistible desire to return to that from which decided to leave.
It is important to be able to overcome itself in this moment. After that you start to change your whole life will change for the better. You will learn not only to seem confident, but will become so. The main thing - to believe in success and work towards its achievement!
Here are five ways to purchase self-esteem:
1. Be aware of your positive qualities, talents and achievements.
2. To approve the idea that you have the qualities you want to develop, and always confirm this, working on the development of these qualities.
3. Imagine that you are prosperous person who has reached certain goals, or that your efforts are recognized by others.
4. Introduce yourself prosperous and have everything you want.
5. Feel confident sense of confidence in their abilities and mastery of the situation, no matter where you were.
Form the habit of look up and see the positive in every circumstance, and your life will improve. Be aware of your positive qualities, talents and achievements.
Own way
Follow your way, and let the people say anything.
Dante e Aligeri
You must have a mission in life. This is a set of principles that define the direction in which you move and where you want to be at the end of life. Mission reflects your values. This is your personal beacon that does not allow you to stay on
the way of your dreams. Once a month, select a few hours to write down 5-10 of the principles that will govern your life and keep you always in focus.
For example, you can serve other people, to be a good citizen, to get rich or become a political leader. Whatever the mission of your life regularly hone and revise it. Then, if there is something untoward or someone will try to knock you out of the way, you can quickly return to the chosen road.
Your precious energy can be spent in vain on meaningless activities and thinking about nothing. Imagine that your mind has at its disposal a measure of the energy of 1,000 watts. Whenever your mind is distracted from the project you are working on some problem torments you, you lose 100 watts. Very soon all the energy source will be exhausted. Such is the nature of mind. If you do not deal with its development, your energy will run out,
and your achievements will be reduced to a minimum. Monitor and you will see how things are great things. You will feel a more energy, and challenges will be on the shoulder. Philosopher Henri Frederic XIX century Amel wrote: "Action is nothing more useful than narrowness of thought, combined with the power of will."
Study yourself, find out what your unique talents, skills and interests. What gives you pleasure? You are here for a purpose, a mission. Once you discover your true purpose, prosperity will find itself for you the way.
You can always choose your own path. Let your choice would be the best. Live my life, because alien life - a life that is not yours. What you can do with the fact that you do not belong?
To succeed in any business, you need to love it passionately. Passion - is a key emotion. It is love, brought to a boil. Without passion, a person does not have the energy and motivation of hours every day to hone his skills. And without the daily hard work of great success can not be achieved.
There is only one way to get the job done - love her. If you do not come to this wait. Suggest interesting thing you can own heart.
The way forward is based on the work on a heavy work hard. You have to be so dedicated to their work, which will be ready to make your wishes realized.
The world is so constituted that we must succeed in everything. And we can only rely on their work.
Your destiny - it's your choice. We can not control everything in life, but we can control their work, which determines our results. Work, rejecting any chance of losing, and you will be successful, regardless of anyone's opinion.
Do not be afraid of criticism. According to the sage, in order to avoid criticism, you need do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.
Do not limit your future, be yourself, follow your way and do not look at others.
The pinnacle of all abilities serves your ability to choose what is most important to you at the moment, as well as the ability to focus on what's important to obtain a successful result.
Concentration is vital to your success. Many of us are torn between several cases, carried out simultaneously: write notes and do the work without interrupting the call, are just a few talks and that often happens with people who have a family, torn between business and family.
"Foca - all trades dock" is not actually a master of nothing. In order to succeed, it is important to concentrate fully on what you are doing at the moment. Otherwise, this is fraud in relation to himself or others. After working on his work schedule, you will not be torn between the two issues, and each choose the most successful way.
Laziness consumes your energy, leading to fatigue and unproductive. Achieving predictable results - is what we need. The ability to focus on a single action of your choice at any one time will increase the number of daily wins and career help!
A pessimist sees the challenges into opportunities, while an optimist sees the opportunity in problems.
Winston Churchill
All the people who have reached the heights usually produce an irreplaceable habit - optimism. Without optimism life loses brightness, and at every step there are difficulties. Be an optimist - essential life habit.
Measure of Mental Health - a willingness to find the good in everything. Optimistic, in fact, is also a necessary quality for a specific purpose and for the whole life. People with an optimistic mindset often achieve their goals, easier to go through life ...
Optimism - the property of a person that determines his attitude to life in a way that many things are perceived positively and surrounding processes are considered from the point of view of a positive outlook. Optimism is undoubtedly good quality, which should be valued and promoted. This is the internal oscillator is positive, the energy of which we so often try to get outside, interacting with other people - a source of positive thinking.
Point your optimism in the really good things that occupy a dominant position in your life, the results will bring joy. Point your optimism on self-development - and you never feel somewhat slighted. Finally, send your optimism in the business.
Optimists believe that failure - a temporary phenomenon, and these situations are perceived as a challenge, they fight with a vengeance. Optimists often succeed. When taking a job on a competitive basis, preference is given to optimists. It is believed that they live longer. In essence it is friendly and pleasant to talk to people who are positive. They see life in terms of their internal, subjective reality.
Fill your mind with positive ideas, thoughts and inspiration, and you will not have room for negative experiences. When you are faced with serious difficulties in life, do not give up on yourself.
How to become a positive person?
Firstly, the optimists are searching for the good in every situation. Regardless of the situation, they are always looking for something good or useful in any situation.
Second, optimists always keen to learn a valuable lesson from each failure. They believe that the "difficulties come not to interfere, and to teach."
Third, the optimists, always pay attention to the solution of problems. Instead of blaming or complaining when things go bad, they are guided by practical action. Questions optimistic read as follows: "What's the solution? What can we do now? What are the prospects? "
In addition, the optimists and think positively tuned and constantly talk about their goals. Expect the best - and your optimism will open the door of opportunity.
An old and very wise Chinese man said to his friend: "Consider a room in which we find ourselves better and try to remember things brown." The room had a lot of things, and one quickly coped with this task. But the wise Chinese man asked him the following problem: "Close your eyes a minute and list all the things ... blue!" Another puzzled and indignant: "I do not see the blue, because I remembered the only thing brown!"
What the wise man said, "Open your eyes, look around - in fact in the room a lot of things blue." And it was true. Then a wise Chinese man continued, "With this example I wanted to show you the truth of life: if you are looking for things in the room only to brown, but in real life - only the bad, and then you will only see them, ignore them entirely,
and only they will meet you and influence your life. " If you are looking for the bad, then you are sure to find it and never notice anything good.
Therefore, if for life, you'll have to wait and mentally prepare for the worst, it will happen to you, your fears and concerns you'll always find new and new evidence. But if you hope for the best and prepare, you will not attract bad in my life, but just sometimes run the risk of being disappointed - life is impossible without frustrating.
Believe that you will succeed. Realize that you are solely responsible for their future. You are solely responsible for the outcome of your efforts. Do not look for the guilty.
Do not hesitate to ask for help, but remember that the final decision is up to you. It's your life.
When you are looking for something, you will find it. If you constantly expect exceptional success, you are sure to achieve it.
Time Management
I recommend that you take care of the minute: the clock will take care of itself.
Learn how to manage time. Then you begin to manage life. At day 24 hours. This are all equal. People are distinguished only how they use time. Time management will allow you to balance your life. Otherwise, you will do what is urgently or like, and this leads to imbalance and eventually to disaster. Do not let others waste your time. You have to be ruthless to his own time, to learn to say "no" to the secondary.
For successful people a totally different attitude. Successful people rise to the top, increase their career, they are awarded for outstanding achievements, they travel, they are treated differently from ordinary people, they are respected by others.
Some believe that the success - this is when you're lucky, or just at the right time in the right place. Let's look at how success comes.
The key to successful management of your time to do what you have planned, when you have planned it. The only way you will achieve all your goals and you will have time for the most important things. Be flexible for tight bow tie may soon break, but remember to follow the planned schedule, you just need discipline.
Learn how to organize your time. If you are careful to allocate your time and live on a clear timetable, it does not mean that you become inflexible man. On the contrary, the proper organization allows you to achieve important goals, while enjoying the free time. Good organization frees up more time to rest. You turn into a week-long vacation plan, as well as other matters that may seem more urgent. Nothing
It is not sacrificed. Develop the discipline and stop wasting time on all urgent but not important things (for example, telephone calls) and concentrate on what really matters to your life mission. This mission provides time for self-renewal and reflection, building strong relationships based on trust and mutual respect, time to exercise, time for reading and deep reflection and time to serve others.
Learn how to organize your time, guided by the top priorities of your life. Effective time management allows you to be flexible, to do what you really want to do, not what you have to.
The only time what you'll ever have, this moment, right now. That you do
at the moment, determines your future. If every day and every hour of your life you live to the maximum, the rest of your life will work for you. As the Bible says: "Do not worry about the day to come, he will take care of itself."
Learn to manage your time. In the week of about 168 hours. This is sufficient to achieve the desired objectives. Simply divide their time. Set aside a few minutes each morning to plan your day. Plan in accordance with its priorities and focus not only on time, but non-principal problems (for example, numerous phone calls), but especially on those who are important, it's not urgent, because they develop you as a person and a professional. Important non-urgent cases, and those that provide important long-term results and include strategic planning, development of mutual relations and professional education.
Never let the most important things to be pushed to the background in comparison with those that are less important to you. True happiness has one source: the achievement of the objectives, whether personal, professional or any other. You experience the greatest satisfaction life when you feel the growth. When you feel that the benefits and moving towards your dreams, you notice that you appear boundless energy and vitality.
The time spent on an activity that does not give a large reward, besides passing a feeling of relaxation, is forever lost time. Relaxation is necessary, but choose the most efficient ways to upgrade and spend time in productive activities that will gradually bring you closer to perfection. Happiness comes along with activity, but not inaction.

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