Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life

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and the universe responds to a greater extent on our dominant thoughts.
3. Feel that visualize.
The universe only accept emotions and reacts solely on emotional thoughts and images. If you visualize and do not feel that this actually happens, the effect is minimal. If you can not bring himself to feel nothing wrong, practice. Remember that feeling in this process - the main component.
In the process of visualization to focus on the end result. Do not give up, and repeat the visualization, even if not much is happening. Wait for an answer. Response time varies from a few hours to several months, depending on the intensity of the desire to stay.
Success is not easy. Visualization - is one of the habits of a successful person, because learning, practice, and most importantly, believe that you will achieve your goal. Universe necessarily give you the chance to realize the dream.
All the time, imagine your ideal life, visualize it. Imagination is more important than memory. Dream! Through dreams to overcome fear.
Success provides a sense of self-esteem. If you imagine that have been successful, it will help you feel more confident. You feel more energy, greater agility, greater determination, greater self-esteem - and all these feelings form confidence. In fact, you use mental images in order to convince yourself that you are here and now is what you want, and your feelings and actions complement and reinforce the mental image.
The following exercise will help you understand what is the success you
want to. Repeat this exercise regularly for a few days to strengthen the image of success and strengthen your self-esteem. Later, you will be able to translate these desires in life, to take new steps to achieve success or to successfully using the opportunity.
Start with the fact that decide success in any field is most important to you. Then relax, close your eyes and imagine that you reach this goal. Make way to achieve this goal as soon as possible in life and imagine that you have been successful here and now. For example, if your goal - to succeed in the work plan, imagine that the work is fully completed and executed perfectly. If your goal - the conclusion of a major transaction, imagine that you shake hands after signing a contract. If your goal - to get a bigger office, imagine that you really sit there and chat with customers.
Presenting his success, experience the satisfaction and a sense of strength that he gives. Feel the rise, excitement, strength, power, absolute confidence and mastery of the situation. Then imagine how a different approach to you or call to congratulate you. You feel warm and excited, accepting congratulations. You are told what you are lucky. And you feel yourself well and are able to realize any dream.
Imagine yourself successful. Currently, wealth and success are directly linked. It is a symbol to achieve the desired goal, the conquest of fame and recognition. This is proof of the success and adoption of the majority of people who have reached the goal. While the success described in the previous exercise, the goal is, the image of prosperity in this exercise is the reward for this achievement.
The concentration on this success, in turn, helps you develop an appropriate state of mind to receive these awards. Similarly, the image of the goal creates a mental state that allows you to act or to counteract its achievement. Later, when this state will be organic, you will focus on prosperity on his well-deserved award, it will give you a sense of confidence and power.
To experience success, use the following symbols of rewards that are important to you. For example, if you want to live a happy and rich, use conventional symbols of lifestyle, such as possession of money, a beautiful house and a car and travel to interesting places.
If your ideal is - to be popular and influential person, imagine yourself symbols of this lifestyle. For example, you have to accompany you entourage, made a speech in front of an admiring audience of thousands, or arrive at a solemn event and correspondents photographed your arrival. If you want to be a philanthropist, making donations for social needs, imagine that. To feel that you are successful, select the symbol of success with which you identify yourself, because you are using the power of mental representation of success in order to give yourself a sense of success.
Visualizing, do not forget to take real action.
Map visualization (letters, vision board) - this is an amazing and unique tool to achieve the desired, based on the visualization of your dreams.
It has great value, because it allows you to create a clear and distinct image that will guide and focus the energy on your goal. It is, in fact, the catalyst of dreams, including your internal reserves, in practice very similar to order a catalog.
You will need old newspapers, color magazines or advertising catalogs. Look at them and you cut out your favorite pictures, as well as the titles of articles and advertising slogans. Arrange the selected artwork in front of him, take a clean sheet of drawing paper
and create a collage - an illustration of their dreams. You simply create the composition of the images, which seek to attract into your life, you can comment on these images, pasting your favorite slogans. The composition of your creation may be arbitrary, but it is better if the most important thing for you will be the focus, and minor details - the edges. To enhance the effect, you can put
in the center of your picture.
To articulate the desire, get accurate photos that correspond to him. If you want a house near the water, get the illustration depicting your ideal home. If you want to start your own business, create a video, which for you is the equivalent of the dream.
Sometimes it is difficult to realize his desire. Map of Dreams - is the ability to unleash the subconscious dream and to express directly into an image. Our left, logical hemisphere is almost not involved
in this process, working right - thanks to him, we think, the Association. This hemisphere can activate all the resources of our subconscious
and pave the way to a dream.
Place the card dream where nobody sees, and you can watch every day. As in other cases, even in passing, and catching her peripheral vision, you will feel the undeniable positive effects. Photos can be placed in a chaotic manner, and the board can be divided into zones: a relaxation area, my home, my business, health, relationships um. d.
It is useful to each picture write the desired date of implementation of this dream. Soon will be the necessary information, you will meet the right people, and everything you dreamed of, will gradually come true. Do not show and do not tell about your dreams throughout the map. Take care and enjoy your dreams. You can create multiple individual cards, each of which will correspond to a particular direction of life: health, business, relationship.
Enjoy the process. When you search for the photos, cut and paste them, will certainly get a huge charge of positive emotions. The soul will rise a wave of confidence
in reality achieve all planned. Improve mood and a desire to make this instant anything in the name of their dreams.
Select goal provizualiziruyte and calmly go to meet her, following
intuition and taking care invisible. Thank the universe, enjoy your life, the way of getting a lot of knowledge, priceless friends and precious experience. And you'll be stunned by the results!
Bring first dream in my imagination. Then perform it!
Words that carry force
We can not always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition of the effect on our subconscious, and then we become master of the situation.
Florence Shinn Skovell
Every day we are conducting a conversation with himself, consciously or unconsciously. This conversation is difficult to overestimate. The words spoken by himself, can carry the power, or, conversely, to make a person less. Therefore, we can and must control his speech.
Word - is an important element of human culture. Influence on an individual's speech devoted a significant portion of research in the field of psychology. Some psycho, such as auditory training, entirely built on the work of the word.
Frequent repetition of a formulation leads to a lasting consolidation of the installation or the image contained in it, not only in the mind, but in the subconscious.
Positive statements giving spirit of happiness, success and inner harmony are called affirmations. They help change the mindset and form the future to which we aspire. Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve happiness, love, inner peace, health and prosperity.
Affirmations - it is conscious thoughts that man creates in order to replace the already formed beliefs. By and large, the affirmation - it is nothing like the thought. You can repeat them aloud or silently. This is the simple and very powerful way to influence the subconscious. You can work through affirmations, anywhere, anytime. Simply choose an affirmation that expresses your wishes, and repeat it several times.
Affirmations work on the principle of substitution. At some point the mind can hold only one single thought, why are affirmations is filling and hold in the minds of thinking that reinforce your desire.
The key is to surround yourself with positive mental thoughts that contribute to achieving the desired result. If a particular thought for a long time kept in mind, it begins to cause emotions that activate the work of the universe.
Affirmations have no relation to the position of current affairs. They are based on what would you like to see your life. One of the most prominent
thinkers, American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson argued that we become what we think about all day long.
Use affirmations every day - the easiest way to change the desired situation for the better. In our brain goes through 50-60 thousand. Thoughts daily. Why only 1-5% have an impact on us, and the rest just disappear in the stream? Because the first cause we emotions!
And now let's look at how to make affirmations. Thus, the criteria for the correct affirmations:
1. Affirmations should always include information about what you want, not on what you do not want.
You get what you concentrate on anything!
Affirmations must be formulated in the affirmative. Using the particle "no" is not highly desirable. Negative affirmations at a subconscious level leads to be counterproductive. If you want to get positive results, you need to create positive images.
Avoid use affirmations words:
� not;
� no;
� never;
� longer (a);
� rid (las), and others.
2. Affirmations need to be stated in the present tense. The brain does not perceive the past
and future. Your subconscious mind does not perceive words such as "will", "soon", "tomorrow". It only understands what is happening right now. Depending on how you perceive certain idea now depends on how quickly it is implemented. When you tell your subconscious mind that you already have, it will immediately begin to implement the plan. If you use the future tense, the subconscious mind does not run the program you want, because it is not clear when to start implementing, and whether to start at all.
3. Affirmations should be specific. Only the clear wording can cause strong emotions. The whole point is to create affirmations emotions
and the stronger the emotions they create, the better the affirmations work.
4. The affirmation must be made with the use of words indicating emotions. To make your affirmations even more, add emotional words. In drawing up the affirmations need to take care, that they may cause you to have fun, excitement and enthusiasm. Any words that will trigger strong emotions, as much impact on your subconscious. The rule is simple: the stronger the emotion, the faster you will achieve the result.
Use the following words:
� stunning;
� great;
� stunning;
� comfortable;
� with great joy;
� simply and easily;
� with pleasure;
� with admiration and others.
Affirmations that lie at the heart of your most important desires of life have a huge effect. Examples of emotional affirmations:
1 I easily and with great pleasure to build your own business.
2 Within 30 minutes a day with great joy, I visualize the future.
3 I am in awe and admiration for his wife (her husband).
4 I am happy to do exercises every morning.
5 I love to think about promoting their own business.
5. Affirmations should only concern you and position your business. Affirmations that are aimed at improving the affairs of anyone, will not operate. We can not deal with affirmations instead of someone.
If you want to help someone change, think about how you can help to change that person,
and send their affirmations on the necessary changes in you. The secret work of affirmations is to repeat them was easy and convenient. It takes time to start working affirmations. Exactly how much time it will take depends on how much you believe in its current affirmation.

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