Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.

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one to the rising moon, the dark alleys streets on the way to the quarter pleasures and vague shadows guards Praetorian, hall who -That hands and lurking in anticipation of going on a date mummers husband love their mistress ...
Chapter Thirty-seven of the third volume of 'catharsis' - "Pontius Pilate did not order the murder of psychoanalysis"
Secret language "scarlet"
Then the soldiers of the governor, taking Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band
And, stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe;
And spl�tshi crown of the turn, and put it on his head and gave him a walking stick in his right hand; and, standing before him on his knees, and mocked him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
And they spit upon him, and took the reed and struck him on the head.
And when they had mocked him, they stripped him of the robe and put his own clothes on him, and led him away to crucify him.
Matt. 27: 27-31
Marc meager summary, not a single additional details, and Luke did not report anything. Hazardous apparently place.
John, which, recall, had the courage to tell about the roots of the real life of the church, only reaching a ripe old age, in this episode, too
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I had to add the very item that could fundamentally change the meaning of the semi-official half-truths.
And he adds it!
Pilate therefore went forth again, and saith unto them, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that you may know that I find no fault in Him.
Then came Jesus crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!
John. 19 4.5
That is, what's the matter! If Christ was "scarlet" only in the courtyard of the praetorium, that Pilate may well have it that way and did not see. Dressed mock - and back dressed. However, what is important for Neugodnikov Pilate saw it!
This episode ierarhobogoslovami all denominations is treated the same way: after the Jews exalted his behavior at the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem actually recognized Jesus king, the Romans did the same thing - so wonderful fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies of Christ as king administrators! We are, they say, to the strengthening of faith.
Miracles and the fulfillment of prophecy as the foundation of faith ... In this "Command" Judas with Peter, and they are not alone, but in the centuries "Command" and elements known hierarchies.
What is the real meaning of the events?
Why did Jesus made it such an outrage on himself?
With whom he would like his views to facilitate communication?
Hebrews Roman attire did not say nothing, just, however, as the legionaries, recruited mainly in the eastern provinces of the Empire; therefore trabeya was wearing someone in Pretoria, who was familiar with Roman traditions. And this man never left the praetorian guard - legionaries were standing in the cordon, and in Gethsemane, Calvary and around.
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Theologians say that the soldiers could rites of Christ only in improvised material - an army of blood-red cloak. It is, they say, is similar to the royal (ancient Roman kings! -AM), Coupled with the "cane" - a full entourage of the king.
It's a pity not to add that to the blood-red coat army could in the eyes of the Roman centurion to become the king's robe, he had to engage not as an army coat, and the manner of Trabia.
Generally speaking, Truby was only three types and differ only in color (see. Priestly colleges in early Rome. M .: Science, 2001, p 90).
Truby purple worn only by priests (the different boards but augurs).
Purple with something white (strip, white field) were kings.
The purple-Scarlet (closer to the color of blood-red coat army) were the augurs.
But Christ was thrown over "scarlet"! Yes, and it is doubtful that anyone ever dared to go in Pretoria in royal apparel.
The purple-Trarbach Scarlet could be not only augurs, and kings - but only those who have been co-opted into avgurskuyu board. The position of the king augur above provisions - and because such trabeya.
So, Jesus "scarlet" was not so much a king as augur?
It changes everything.
The augurs ordained king. It happened as follows: applicant for the kingdom knelt, augur laid a hand on his head, and then a special rod (lituus) shared the sky into two parts - first appeared when the bird was provided in the right half, it was considered a favorable sign from the gods.
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Sacred augur's rod was bent, but despite this, he was associated with the ancient ... a spear! Explanation, apparently, you can find a lot. Or maybe everything is easier: the sacred rod shape is more reminiscent of the phallus.
So, who saw Pilate - and after the first conversation he had with Christ could no longer think in a special way - when the yard of Pretoria introduced Jesus?
Why is Providence, and the all-powerful Christ Himself made it a desecration of him? Is it really for the fulfillment of the prophecies? To be touched in centuries hierarchy members?
But "Pilate" Tolstoi very negative attitude to miracles (as a basis for faith) and the animals that hate him Orthodox mass was different. And Leo is not the only such "Pilate".
Jesus and those with whom it was useless to say, not only did not speak, but especially not to allow any further abuse of the truth. From this alone it follows that the "scarlet" was a symbol for someone from being saved, with whom it was possible to not only "speak" only penetrated into the hall, but who at least unconsciously identified with spearmen ...
On it and indicates "the beloved disciple of Jesus," even in the first flush of youth different from the rest of the apostles muzhestyom. So it is written in the second round of talks to Pilate entered Spearman.
Only John, by the way, writes about a conversation between Jesus and Nathanael - which; among other things, it was conquered by the fact that Jesus knew about him the most confidential. Perhaps that secret. The same can be said of Pilate. After all, not everyone recognizes that in the evening, removing all the time, and servants, you go out in the colonnade of the Palace Irodovo- solemn tread of the priest, and extends to the sky a mighty hand ...
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8 durilka
When I learned about the types of Trabia, my first impulse was to disguise Pilate. But the distinct feeling that all this is a question only of the logic, stop. In fact: if "Empress" is removed from the collection k'opya husband, then even more so on the part of the governor was not to find something that does not Truby, but even the normal blood-red coat army ...
And one more detail. Position prefect implies the presence of two authorized augurs Rome. Accompanied these scammers prefect family in their journey to Jerusalem for the Passover, or they stayed in Caesarea?
And if accompanied, it should have a hatred for Truth somehow manifest.
So, maybe, "scarlet" Jesus was not an army raincoat and trabeey augur?
A "stick" does not pick up in the yard of Pretoria branch of the curve, and curved rod?
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My father-in-unconscious carrier of secrets highest Jewish priests, most likely, a direct descendant of the high priests who have made the crucifixion of Christ, and from the start sought exile from their environment Pilate, plus secret knowledge about the structure of human society could not, of course, do not inherit from their ancestors and BiqrcoB - and I did not like.
Although in the eyes and smiled - it may very well be exactly the same as Pilate smiled evangelical priests at the meeting, which they could not escape.
But what would make sense to me either in-law smiled, secret knowledge, providing a dominant position "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" lads everywhere in the world, he was guarding me tight. Even in situations in which obliges our twinning, and seemingly quite so hopeless, to direct questions he managed to confine concise and because Valued slip.
Hundreds of years of secret knowledge, which leads man to the heights of a career they managed to protect. But in the XX century Planida and rock were clearly not on the side of the main rabbinate. (Russian word meaning rock Planida purpose, purpose, destiny, fate and destiny is explained in "psychoanalysis of murder. *)
Ppavravvinat in the face of my wife's father did not lose, do not give up - he was defeated. So it ordered life, that his Russian zyate - by birth, that is, for reasons beyond my control, but this is the lucky star! - Merged all that different systems of psychology called a special predisposition to solving high complexity.
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Who psychology, namely the typology of people are not interested, to explain the stuff listed options, perhaps as futile, and those who are interested, they need only to list: of the Zodiac - Aquarius, the Eastern Zodiac - Rooster, late child any longer, was born in the family Scientists highest level,
and the name and surname of quite "Aquarian". As for the name, as I can remember, it costs me someone nesuetnoy introduce "Alex" - then he immediately responded like an echo: "Oh! .. Alex - the man of God!". And so constantly repeated even in times of universal atheism. And in those days, even more than in the present - I do not presume to discuss why.
As he said in a private conversation famous NN Vashkevich, if the names of Alexander I (the founder of the current wave of official orthodoxy typical of "Judeo-liners") - "meaning" (Wed. with English meaning; sense at all, that is free floating between purpose and destination), the "Menyailov" - this is a "heavenly, higher meaning."
Maybe that's because the meaning of the names, binding even in a life conformed to the highest truth, none of my wives did not want to take my name? With all the then ensuing consequences for me ...
But even without my lucky star had fallen from my own experience and. Contrary to the family tradition to work in geology, I became a chemist. It would seem a trifle, but with the help of NN Vashkevich turned out, no. "Chemistry" and "semiya" in one of the languages of the brain control system (which is read and
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unconscious meaning "Menyaylova") transferred the same, and represent all the same "sense" (semantics - the study of the meaning and significance of words). So well-known expression "chemists are not stupid" does not bragging chemists themselves, just the word denoting a profession, not only attractive for some of the population, but also affects its host ...
These six parameters are my lucky star is only the beginning of the list - who is interested in the possibility of deep self-study, can look in the "catharsis", where the parameters are arranged in a more extensive list. And all of these options - how to order? - Converge at one point: the meaning, the sense, the meaning, the meaning of heaven!
But rock on the life of my wife's father, on the other hand, passed so that the weak become the main point of the rabbinical monolith he was simply doomed. The fact that he lost all war near relatives, much defines: a lone Jew is usually a, if not the opposite of edinoplemennoy mass, something different from it (more human). Moreover, he later grew up in an orphanage.
My father in law in the war escaped almost miraculously - it is in the "catharsis" is mentioned - and I think it was admitted no accident. If anything, he was destined to fill the vacuum of knowledge about the way glavravvinskom (achieved the crucifixion of Christ) - the social formation even more closed than any most secret Order in the history of mankind.
Thus, life itself explicitly ordered so that the balance has been artfully inclined not to glavravvinata - a unique case!
To put it in theological terms, it was the fullness of time.
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So unusual inferences from my father-in familiar circumstances cry shouted on several com secret knowledge that holds glavravvinat - and the need to decrypt them, if you want to get up from his knees and turn them on at least one level.
Sverhraspolagayuschaya to Planida necessary, but even on a good basis eye pleasing pattern - both in the carpet weaving - can do only master's hand. And with the Masters, as I now realize, I am particularly lucky, but I deliberately they never looked - they always come on their own, which is also, apparently, the basis for some generalizations.
Aside from his father, the first order of teachers believe Leo Tolstoy. Prior scattered through the pages of his books Treasure even get decent people for decades, and reach them in the best topping forty years abroad, if not after sixty. And that's not to mention the fact that most people have to books of Leo Tolstoy grows not at all - their name is legion. And the first time I "swallowed" the collected works of Tolstoy's, when I was thirteen or fourteen years old - when he became, in effect, an orphan.
And already at sixteen I was given a glimpse into the inner sanctum glavravvinata.
Later, of course, I studied for a long time and theology (not only Christian), studied quite canonical way, and even a few years working as a translator of theological texts. Of course, dealt with all sorts of different doctors of theology from different countries - alas, was only a theological weight, rend suvereniticheskuyu boltologiyu a "Judeo-vnutrennicheskim" shimmer. They themselves - puppets, but triple guilty

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