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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.

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Divine theater, right? Stalin said. Call me Stanislavski. (Pause). What? Died? When? Now? (Misha). I mean, he died when he was told.
Misha sighs heavily.
Well, wait, wait, do not sigh.
Rings again.
Art Theater, do you? Stalin said. Call me Nemirovich-Danchenko. (Pause).
What? Died? Also died? When? .. You know, too, is now dead ...
(E. Bulgakov. Memories)
There are also memories Paustovsky like. Apparently, there are more - but the evidence
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not important, a single digit "sixteen" is enough to on the basis of simple considerations to restore the whole picture.
It is clear that the entire theater Moscow was aware of these amazing oscillations of a pendulum. And the scene watched with bated breath. With the ever-increasing interest. With ever-increasing hysteria. And by staging Bulgakov brought down the shaft. And not because he was smart enough to understand the uniqueness of Bulgakov (this time it was necessary to be able to see the future - more on that below).
Charges made public. Providing Bulgakov fee. But in fact, Bulgakov fees provided Stalin. Along with fame and recognition (at least apparently) - which is so important for the health of every author.
Better advertising than this pendulum with top person in the country, it is difficult to come up with *.
* When I had finished "Notes ..." a wonderful reader of the station Lviv, among other archival documents brought me this.
CHIEF SOOGPU tons. Deribas agent-summary of news on the 5th Dep. SOOGPU for October 18, 1926
... Get a ticket in the I MAT on "Days of Turbin" it has become very difficult. It is said that much more work went ...
The man, apparently, was close to the theater, to make the following considerations:
"The play itself does not stand out from a number of contemporary plays in the normal attitude to it would have passed as an ordinary minister. But would anyone want to speak about it in the factories, on the outskirts, in the midst of - and here is the result: a ticket for the play does not get it. Not for nothing were silent a few days after the premiere, and then immediately began a bombardment that are interested in all of Moscow. Moreover, we started a discussion in the House of Press and a report printed in all the newspapers. In short, everything done in an organized way that will not undermine and pins, and everything is grist to the mill of the author ... "
... This same hype raised in sinks, printing, led to the fact that "Zoyka flat" and in Kiev there is a crowded day at training camp ...
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Stalin was "interested" not only "Days of Turbin (White Guard)." The house Bulgakov constantly in the eyes and ears of Stalin. This was done so subtly and unobtrusively that one of the friends reported - and this was at least a few people - Bulgakov could not identify. (It coincided with Mikhail Afanasyevitch spirit and informed "Sviatoslav" of the highest motives?)
And Stalin read everything that Bulgakov wrote, still in manuscript. "Master and Margarita", of course, too -
... now is a whole wall profiteers offering tickets for the "Days of Turbin" at triple the price ...
... Many are wondering what do with him now, Put you in Butyrka, you will be sent to Narym or abroad.
Early. 5 Dep. SOOGPU (Rutkowski) (Op. Journal "The Security Service� � 3-4 1994)
Very interesting dokumentik.
A sample of how yesterday unknown author, from the perspective of theatrical and literary figures at that time he is nothing (I fully agree with them. A. M.), suddenly becomes everything. And, mind you, the focus "advertising" is made more bio-core part of the company (!), Not commissars and other "Judeo-liners" and the workers. At the White Guards a play!
"But someone needed ..."
Who could it be?
Bulgakov people in Moscow a stranger, and indeed in the creative environment of a stranger ... And then collapse, involved dozens of newspapers and organizations. Troops do with it, they are (at the moment, "the Judeo-vnutrennicheskie") honestly periodically summoned Bulgakov - and intimidated. Who made this collapse in advertising - do not know even Rutkowski, chief of the 5th Secret Department of OGPU. That is advertising Bulgakov was not "party line" and "guerrilla attacks" some very powerful "hands". Of which in the Union at that time there were only two - Trotsky and Stalin. But Trotsky did not privechali Bulgakov ... his people hounded Bulgakov - for "Heart of a Dog" is not Stalinists ("vneshnikah") as it is now, we are told, and the "Judeo-liners," and on this account they then did not mistaken ...
You can, of course, to assume that it was the action of the kakoy- neugodnicheskoy organization. That organization, because the actions of journalists clearly viewed coherence: silence, silence, and then one day - a collapse! But first, I have never met organizations of Neugodnikov, and something I doubt that meeting - their solitary forays; and secondly, how would they have such a power, because there is little money then you decide? ..
It was Stalin himself!
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because the history of the writing of the novel takes more than eleven years. Pilate, Pilate again! .. He who has ears (at least familiar with the concept of dhvani), let him hear!
Can you imagine the series changed their Stalin's Kremlin nonentities for such pursuits? Reading manuscripts, personal assistance in the form of sixteen visits statement that from the height of its development was obviously empty, calls the Managing Director of "Judeo-liners" Hear, huh? .. That is why the change of Stalin in the Kremlin figures of nothingness, and they always have been, and Stalin, former Neugodnikov - genius.
So how many thousands of writers sycophants (suverenitistov) may be more practical to allocate only the future of the high priest? Clearly, this can be done only by the power of the unconscious grandiose opportunities.
A set of its sections in different people different.
To a scientific conference to discuss - on equal terms - mating behavior of butterflies, you have to run with a net more than one hundred kilometers.
To discuss the beauty of the sky, we should at least have a vision.
To be able to understand what Neugodnikov is fundamentally different from the vast sea of sycophants (suverenitistov-performers), it is necessary at least for a moment to step outside of the pack. Visit a skin Neugodnikov.
The fact that Hitler could not imagine what Neugodnikov follows that he never for a moment ceased to be a sycophant. Neither the school nor the trenches of the First World, not on an equal footing when dealing with the artists, and even less when dad was a great European.
Napoleon, too, not just the words of Leo Tolstoy, "arrogant jerk" in the period of time
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raking in Europe, but, most importantly, such a nonentity has always been. Since childhood, his little soul was negligible, gregarious, sycophantic, vozhdists- Coy. Because Napoleon and did not know how to love Russia in any period of his life.
All initially surrounded Stalin's Kremlin Kahal also consisted of nobodies (neither helped Bulgakov).
They all know life is just flat, in the amount of it they were given - presumptuous nothingness.
But Stalin seen in the volume. While no biographer of Stalin did not reveal exactly when Stalin began to move out of shit to the level of the theory of the pack. Not revealed, not because it's difficult, just that Stalin was not yet worthy of his biographer - also knows how to see life in the scope.
Write about Stalin is only entitled Neugodnikov. Or someone who has been such, but was "Svyatoslav" - pro-Russian ruler Gklei-Muscovy-Russia.
Up to half a century of Tolstoy could not write the story of the War of 1812, although many attempts have been incalculable. The meaning of the War of 1812 in opposition to the great horde Neugodnikov Napoleon, "Judeo-vnutrennicheskomu" prototype antihrista- "son." But Tolstoy came - and the War of 1812 came volume.
Singer Siberian expanses Victor Astafjevs, whose current Patriots, to nausea after watching pravobortsev Democrats are conscience of the Russian nation, before his death in 2001, said that the book about the Great Patriotic War has not yet written (my "Russia: the lowdown love" with the idea Judging by readers' letters, somehow I came to this backwoods back in 1999!). Library books are published, distributed Lenin, State and Nobel Prize - and the book is not. Only smart people can say that.
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Just not yet written the biography of Stalin.
To write a biography of Stalin, it is necessary that its author even tried to answer some natural for Neugodnikov questions:
From Stalin learned the theory of the pack?
Did Stalin's theory of the pack during the development of the teacher-people? Or it is mastered only by the mechanisms of ancestral memory?
If Stalin helped to a certain organization, that's where she disappeared? Or how it manifests itself in our time?
And if the consultants did not have any, most importantly:
How Stalin was able to "calculate" Bulgakov? After all, in 1926, Bulgakov as a thinker more he is nothing? Stalin that could look into the future? If he succeeded, it is unable to estimate the value of "threads of Pontius Pilate" who in terms of ancestral memory was Stalin?
Where throw amazing relationship Stalin and Bulgakov - the key to understanding not only of Stalin's personality, but also to the problem of the welfare state in Russia.
Stalin at that time, when he caught the "Judeo-liners' power over Russia, Neugodnikov, of course, was no longer. If he was to them, Trotskyists would put him out of the Kremlin on the first day, and security and would not lift a finger.
And Stalin cared about Bulgakov, alas, not from neugodnicheskih feelings.
In the interest of the leader is always the same - vozhdistskogo.
In theory, there is a section of the pack, which is still nowhere I have not considered: the ruler of the world can only be that of sverhvozhdey who visited in its development in the skin of at least Neugodnikov
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on the mechanisms of ancestral memory. Or reached Neugodnikov - the truth, and then headlong.
Familiar with the Bible, at least in the mainstream church-hierarchical interpretations accept the idea easier to Satan, that old serpent, the dragon - the highest manifestation of the principle of power - was once Lucifer, which means "son of the morning," the son of God, an angel of light, the archangel in charge of fullness truth (as far as possible for the creation). Then he turned away from God, but the memory of knowing him as a once-Neugodnikov kept open.
The subject is vast. This prying eyes away from the castle there is a wonderful amazing beautiful corners at the Courtyard ... ingrown into the ground ... the house basement window ... The stove in the back of the room ... And a lot of books ... books. Chief Stalin so appreciated Neugodnikov successor because only Neugodnikov can extract from the "pantries" ancestral memory unexpected nowhere circulating applications of the theory of the pack. Sneaks is useless, "storage" (stage three-A) ancestral memory closed to them. They are available some "garbage" (first step).
Due to the fact that the successor generation to another, replace it with another Neugodnikov impossible. No sooner had he something articulate, so to speak, about a basement window in one of Moscow's courtyards (each word of a secret phrase is clear only after reading "The Master and Margarita" and "Psychoanalysis is not that murder") - and all for the leader has lost all hope for world domination. For him personally. Forever.
Worthy to become ruler of the world (or of nizrinuvshiysya neugodnichestva to protect the methanation) Neugodnikov to oppress the time will not,
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the fact that they are an essential ground on which can bring forth the next Successor - for a descendant of the volume having the vision of the leader. Or a ten yurodnogo brother.
I remember a conversation recording two writers, one of whom was, it seems, Chekhov. One says to another:
- Here Tolstoy die and everything will collapse.
- What all?
- And in general - all ...
The successor to Tolstoy died in 1910 - and the First World War. But Bulgakov died in 1940, and in the 41 th the Great Patriotic ...
Stalinists today claim to be strange people.
In my mind, really have to like the Stalinists that Stalin liked and did not like what Stalin did not like.
Stalin, of all who knew how to write coherently emits only Bulgakov - and now call themselves the Stalinists from mentioning the name of Bulgakov angrily shaking.
Stalin - "vneshnik" and "true Leninists", lovers of revelry, mansions and foreign opus Marx, the grandson of two rabbis, shoot - like mad dogs! - not by chance. They - "Judeo-internal Rennick." And the "Stalinists" Marx pray.
Would I glavravvinom and would like to kill the case of Stalin, it would be such and employed in the "Stalinists". But fortunately for glavravvinata, they are attached to the tail.
This Stalinist - or Neugodnikov or "vneshnik" but once Neugodnikov Based on very limited information, so it was Svyatoslav.
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Stalin constantly blame, that he had not prepared their successors - say, do not blame anyone, but he, Stalin that whole next XX century in the Kremlin one insignificance Successive.
But the instructions and suggestions can be prepared only sycophants if rulers, only vassals, lackeys of some of the world pack, the center of which is Russian, something like Yeltsin. But "Svyatoslav" pro-Russian vozhdya- "vneshnika" with neugodnicheskim past can be prepared only by combining it with a successor - that is the theory of the pack.
Caring about Bulgakov, Stalin, after all, she took care not only about themselves - and this can be proved.
If Stalin wanted popolzovatsja the highest achievements in the theory of flock himself (that is, if he was just a candidate in the master of the world, but not

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