Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.

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Hitler at that time, apparently, was in the room alone, in any case, evidence of the first trance has not been preserved. But since the day Hitler became another.
This view August Kubitschek, whom Hitler eg couple rented a room, confirmed by the characteristic behavior of Hitler: he immediately took all measures to with his roommate disperse. So dramatically changing circumstances of life only when life is going to change ... From the point of view of psychology, all reliably: if Hitler could wake bastardnaya imperial blood of one of the former owners of the spear, or rather "come alive" psycho-energetical injury "ruler", then its "inclusion" rather any predmeta- "symbol of power", which belonged to an ancestor.
Characteristically, Hitler first fell into a trance, and only became a lot of books to delve into the meaning of ambiguous words guide. However, it is possible that Hitler did not wake up blood (activated neurosis) German emperors, and the neurosis of some very distant predka- ruler, whose psycho-energetical injury "ruler", the prescription of a few thousand years old, is also in some way connected with a spear : for luxury crown and scepter of the Habsburgs, who had made a craftsman, not the "Emperor", Hitler's absolutely no way affected.
So, the next day after suffering the shock at the sight of the spear Hitler went to the library to learn more about the spear and its owner.
In the old days, when the Germans, then still predominantly "vneshniki" has not been humiliated invasion of the organizers of the famous "Judeo-vnutrennicheskih" orders, called capitalism, spear has belonged to many emperors. But the emergence of spears supported inquisitorial gosreligiey legend relates, of course, much more to the times
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ancient - they allegedly had not only great military leaders of different nations beginning of our era and the early Middle Ages, but the ancient kings of Israel. In the time of Christ's spear somehow appeared at Centurion from the cordon around Golgotha. Called even the name of the centurion - Gaius Cassius; According to legend, it was pierced with a spear, and crucified.
Of course, the reduced legend there are a number of details, psychologically and spiritually unreliable. For example, it is believed that "holy" Gaius Cassius was not the chief of the secret police, not the chief of the palace guard, probably the first one.
So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him; But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his ribs, and forthwith came there out blood and water.
And he that saw it bare record, and his testimony is true; he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe.
For these things took place that the scripture might be fulfilled, "A bone of him shall not be broken." And again another scripture says, "They shall look on Him whom they pierced."
John. 19: 32-37
The centurion, the patient cataract in both eyes, immediately upon pierced was healed - judging by the subsequent series of legendary healing, not a corpse, and a spear. Once healed, not even "spend" on reconsideration of life values. Interestingly, the spear of this Catholic legend - and they have all the legends proierar- archical - was not only to heal, but also to build people allegedly chosen by Providence, to the highest level of government. In turn, the offspring of the ruling Habsburg dynasty - will not say: the Christian emperors, but Catholic - did not stop
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before any meanness to "spear Gaius Cassius" take hold.
The battle for the spear continued until the end of the Middle Ages. Scary Habsburgs finally degenerated and became extinct, applicants is the highest authority of Exemptions provides another psycho to believe in miraculous spear stopped (to put it more correctly: one, like Hitler, does not fall into a trance and did not start with him exude increased vozhdistskogo energy), and a public museum where This spear can see the bastards, it was not yet open.
But then came "liners" Napoleon. He is well-read man, apparently, thought about it a spear until Austerlitz, because defeating Austrian troops and by winning access to the personal belongings of the Habsburgs, claiming a spear immediately.
But, as has been said, it is not received. And apparently, especially its not wanted. From the point of view of the theory of the pack, it is clear: it was not "vneshnikom" but "internal Rennick," and fall into a trance at the sight of the spear he would have failed.
Hitler was "vneshnikom" and go around it to the side of his military campaigns, Serbia and Russia, he would very likely subdued the rest of the world.
Nearest Hitler's henchmen spear looked quietly (so exposing themselves as hereditary ho- lu�v mediocre), and one SS officer even confused with a spear, "the sword of St. Michael" - when, according to the order, had perepryatat spear out of the reach of the advancing Americans very eager to treasure (they were taken, according to some estimates, 80 percent of the works of art are located in Germany, including stolen in Russia, and still nothing was returned).
On the American officers seized the spear not impressed. "Vzv�lsya" just one. And which!
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Who was that? Well, of course, the best of the American generals of the final stage of World War II - General Patton. He paid no attention to the SS abandoned treasures, but for a long time could not take his eyes from the unknown to him "simple piece of iron" and then demanded that he spoke on the subject anything.
Spear in America uplylo. Higher rulers of America - do not hesitate to plunder is not something that the German trophies, but in general the whole world - not to spear vzrevnovali ... Now it is again exposed in the museum Hofsburgs- com ...
Adherents domestic suverenitizma interpret these facts of history in such a way: the emperors believed - and received by faith. And now de enlightened age, not dark de Middle Ages, iron, nobody is interested in is not the first century. I wonder just gold. Hitler vzv�lsya? Well, he is Hitler, Hitler - the exception to the rule, an accident, an anti-Semite, disinterested - a freak, in a word ...
Has Hitler, having run near the spear into a trance - lancers?
Or even lancers?
Consider the possible levels of spear carrier: cavalry commander, giperzhenolyub, the priest, the embodiment of Truth - in order. In the same sequence as in the chapter "The first four levels of meaning called" Pilate "...".
Although Hitler during World War II served as an infantryman in the history of the art of war, he entered as an innovator - it is technically equipped for the conduct of the wars in the spirit of the cavalry. I remember how he used tanks - like cavalry formations: the compact groups made swift raids on the enemy's rear. Ideas for such use of tanks appeared in different people from time
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peoples, including in our country, but somehow nothing substantial came out of it. By the way, who do not know: in the pre-war German tank crews were ... cavalry! So, the first level of Hitler, being at the mercy of "neurosis spear" mastered.
Was Hitler giperzhenolyubom? Fortunately, in the literature (in Vol. H. In the "catharsis-1") in great detail described his habit - so appalling readers - which for some reason called sexy. In all this there is a certain strangeness is not that, but illogical that if Hitler ... to achieve the pleasure could not quite satisfied with the services of any of the men or just the sewer, but he preferred women. They had had plenty. In short, is not the most typical behavior for koprofila. Unexplained - if you do not remove the surface stuck a spear in his soul power.
Was Hitler a priest? Well, if someone from the European rulers of the XX century and has been - explicitly - a priest of his people, so it is Hitler. In Soviet times, it is concealed from us, there is now publishing, but Tolparov commanded nothing but "boulevard", not read. The rituals, processions, occult Order ... And remember the "fascist greeting"! It was common long before Hitler. It's almost the same gesture that Pilate reproduced in the colonnade Irodo- Vågå Palace. Hitler could choose from a variety of hierarchical religions. Hitler was even said that the German people would be the best religion of Islam. The Germans would gladly cut off, say, Hitler, a word, but ... the heart of the Fuhrer chose a solar cult. We repeat: not the mind, not a cold calculation, not considerations of expediency, and the heart.
And the last level: the fact that "the Judeo-liners" inspire us that Gitler- "fiend," for us is not an argument; maybe koprofil Hitler was the embodiment of Truth?
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Often recall the words of Hitler: the world is a struggle for power between Germans and Jews - all the rest is illusion. But the world is not the two-center - the essence of his Neugodnikov, even if they are not numerous. And Hitler tried to exterminate them.
Hitler was a magician, occultist higher stages of initiation, he could not if you do not realize the feeling that the world has yet Lancers - with his non krofilicheskoy point of view, even mastered a higher level of dedication, he, Hitler, inaccessible. And without achieving this step, or destruction Spearmen Hitler was doomed to feel only the arrogant jerk, only the Fuhrer crowd favorite of the herd of females. Buddha, as his worship in our time are many.
Destroy Spearman ...
It offers another explanation for the mysterious inadequacy of Hitler and what he asked, wanted to destroy the Russian did not polls? After all, millions of Komsomol members surrendered to exhaustion, and he built the road; Commissioners, notwithstanding the imminent execution, leaving the trenches and urged his subordinates to give up the Fuhrer (see. the documents quoted in "Catharsis 2"); Vlasov division fought magnificently for him, even in 1945 ... Why destroy such people? And then, as if that Spearman is dissolved in the genes of the Russian people - it is impossible to keep track of all media. It is impossible because performers distinguish them over the masses not. To destroy Spearman, it is necessary to destroy all the people without exception.
The key to the paradoxes of 1941 lies in the fact that Nedokopenosets went against Spearman, could not go. And this concealed, perhaps unconscious, the cause could not be reflected in the irrational - not only in the order, but in some characters, say, in the name of military
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tion operations to destroy Russian. The title, which must have seemed beautiful to the Führer.
This name is known: the plan "Barbarossa".
Historians and writers have tried and are trying to explain why the subconscious mind of Hitler chose this word, it is the name of that person. But always explained within domestic suverenitizma. And because not smart.
It was when I read the book by Nicholas Goodrick-Clark's "The Occult Roots of Nazism". I read and suddenly stumbles mentioned in passing in the text of the legend of Frederick Barbarossa, he de long time slept in the mountain Kyfhauser, but "once awakened, the Teutonic wave of anger has swept around the world, subordinating it to the German hegemony ..." and so on. P.
Let me-let, but then Ilya Muromets thirty years and three years spent on the stove, and then stood up ... and so on. N. But Ilya Muromets not a wave of all-Russian anger, he single-back ...
"There had to be a spear and Barbarossa! - I decided for some reason I did. - It can not be! "
Somehow, the name came to mind a vision of a glimpse at the bookstore the book "Spear of Destiny", however, I never in her hands did not take. With difficulty, I waited until the morning, did not go to work, and went to the store and the "Spear of Destiny" Trevor Ravenskofta acquired. And there, indeed, among other things, it reported that the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa did not let go the spear Gaius Cassius, with a spear in his hand and it drown.
That's right.
Hitler appeared Nedokopenostsem.
This - the last missing touch to the military part of the "catharsis-2." Napoleon was not a person, but only Hannibal of Carthage possessed by greed shopping. But in the "catharsis-2" had no answer to the question: who was the archetypal repetition disinterested Hitler?
And yet a small bar. Frederick Barbarossa came to the throne of the Holy Roman Emperor at the time when the Pope gave a kick up the backside. He even escaped to France. Voluntarily. Uncomfortable conditions have created it, those who were later called the Waldenses. In fact, the movement existed before the birth of Peter Waldo. While fleeing Pope neugodnichestva intelligent character was a monk Arnold.
The top of the papal hierarchy at that time was entirely "vnutrennicheskoy." "Spiritual Fathers", buried in the abominations of every kind, not only were willing to burn anyone of tithing, they are not only smart enough to sell God's grace portions (famous indulgences), but also promoted antievangelical doctrine of purgatory: in this case, a justification for the introduction of a well paid prayers for the dead. Arnoldisty all this abomination denied and called for the principles of the Gospel.
Thus, the "liners" were weak (weak leader were factors Exemptions provides destructuring them), fawned before an independent and strong "vneshnikom" ("cohort"?) Frederick Barbarossa and struggled inciting it to Arnold. And Barbarossa listened to the Fuhrer-monk burned, lifted the "Judeo-liners."
Soon Barbarossa bitterly regretted it, because after a while it turned out that he should have to grovel before the Catholic tip (gender When Charles Lee. The history of the Inquisition. T. 1. Ch. II).
Yes this is a psychological scheme of the Second World War! Hitler would have had to restrain their hatred for Neugodnikov and then before it opened to great spaces - including, paradoxically, and in power, too.
Hitler, having experienced all the delights of this situation, chose to commit suicide.
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But it really was accidental drowning while crossing Barbarossa? Or maybe it was suicide, too?
So Hitler, the great magician, is meant to be able to see elements of the future, doubly randomly picked the name of the plan to attack the methanation.
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Initiation, even successful with the "revival" ancestral memory ancestor - sverhvlastitelya past - to become the ruler of the world, may not be enough. Knowledge of the existence Neugodnikov and ability to consider their ability destructure flock to achieve world domination is necessary - but

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