Аллан Джон. Ландшафт детской души. Психоаналитическое консультирование в школах и клиниках.

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Глава 4
Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic appriach wich young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223 — 28.
Allan, J., and Clark, M. (1984). Directed art counselling. Elementary School guidance and Counseling 19: pp. 116—24.
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Глава 7
Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.
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Глава 8
Allan, J. A. B. (1976). The identification and treatment of babies». Canadian Nurse 72 (12): pp. 11- 16.
Allan, J. A. B. (1986). The body m child psychotherapy. In The body in analysis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stein, 145—66. Wil-mette, IL.: Chiron Publications.
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Глава 9
Allan, J., and MacDonald, R. (1975). The use of fantasy enactment in the treatment of an emerging autistic child. Journal of Analytical Psychology 20: pp. 57 - 68.
Dinkmeyer, D., and Muro, J. (1971). Group counseling: Theory and practice. Itasca, IL.: Peacock.
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Глава 10
Allan, J. (1977). The use of creative drama with acting-out sixth and
seventh grade boys and girls. Canadian Counsellor 11: pp. 135—
43. Allan, J. (1978a). Facilitating emotional and symbolic communication
in young children. Journal of Canadian Association for Young
Children 4: pp. 8 -19. Allan, J. (1978a). Facilitating emotional and symbolic communication
in young children. Journal of Canadian Assotiation for Young
Children 4: pp. 8—19.

Allan, J. (1978b). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.
Allan, J. А. В., and Dyck, P. (1984). Transition: Childhood to adol-scence. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling 19: pp. 277-86.
Erikson, E. H. (1968). Identity, youth and crisis. New York: Norton.
Jung', C. G. (1953). The collected works. Vol. 7, Two essays on analytical psychology. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Jung C. G. (1959). The collected works. Vol. 9, i, The archetypes and the collective unconscious. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Jung, С G. (1960). The collected works. Vol. 8, The structure and dynamics of the psyche. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Jung, C. G. (1961). The collected works. Vol. 17, The development of personality. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Jung, С G. The collected works. Vol. 16, The practice of psychotherapy. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Klein, M. (1976). The psychoanalysis of children. New York: Dell.
Neumann, E. (1954). The origins and history of consciousness. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Tanner, J. M. (1970). Physical growth. In Carmichael's manual of child psychology, ed. P. II. Mussen, vol. 1. 3rd ed. New York: Wiley.
Wallace, E. (1973). Conventional boundaries or protective temenos. Art Psychotherapy 1 (2): pp. 91 — 99.
Глава 11
Allan, J. (1978). Serial drawing: A therapeutic approach with young children. Canadian Counsellor 12: pp. 223—28.
Allan, J. (1 986). The body in child psychotherapy. In The body in analysis, ed. N. Schwartz-Salant and M. Stein, 145—66. Wilmette, IL.: Chiron Publications.
Buhler, C. (1951). The world test: A projective technique. Journal of Child Psychiatry 2: pp. 4—23.
Jung, С G. (1964). Man and his symbols. Garden City, N. Y.: Dou-bleday. Русский перевод. К. Юнг. Человек н его символ. СПб. БСК. 1996.
Kalff, D. М. (1966). Sandspiel. Zuerich: Rascher Verlag.
Kalff, D. M. (1981). Sandplay: A psychotherapeutic approach to the psyche. Boston: Sigo Press.
Kellogg, R. (1970). Analyzing children's art. Palo Alto, CA.: Mayfield Publishing Company.
Lowenfeld, M. (1939). The world pictures of children, British Journal of Medical Psychology 18: pp. 65—73.
Lowenfeld, M. (1979). The world technique. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Neumann, E. (1954). The origins and history of consciousness. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press.
Neumann, E. (1973). The child: Structure and dynamics of the nascent personality. New York: Harper Colophon.
Noyes, M. (1981). Sandplay imagery: An aid to teaching reading. Academic Therapy 17: pp. 231 — 37.
Recti, J. P. (1975). Sand magic experience in miniature: A non-verbal therapy for children. Albuquerque, N. M.: JPR Press.
Stewart, L. H. (1982). Sandplay and Jungian analysis. In Jungian analysis, ed. M. Stein, 204—18. La Salle, 1L.: Open Court.
Wells, H. G. (1911). Floor games. New York: Arno Press.

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